Today, I thought I would share with you all some of my most anticipated releases for September!

Now that I am getting back into the swing of blogging regularly, I thought it would be a great opportunity to start sharing my monthly anticipated reads lists!

Spells for Forgetting by Adrienne Young

This should come as a shock to nobody. I have been raving about how excited I am for Adrienne's adult debut since it was first announced. I was lucky enough to be invited to London for an exclusive blogger breakfast, to celebrate Spells' release (you can read about that here)

A rural island community steeped in the mystical superstitions of its founders and haunted by an unsolved murder is upended by the return of the suspected killer in this deeply atmospheric novel.

Kingdom of the Feared by Kerri Maniscalco

Kingdom of the Feared is the third book in this trilogy (series?) - and I know, I know, I haven't actually read book two yet... But, the first book was one of my favourite books of 2021, so I will still be picking this one up. 

I plan to read both books two and three around Halloween, as these are on the spookier side!

Demon in the Wood by Leigh Bardugo

This is a graphic novel prequel to Shadow and Bone, giving us the Darkling's origin story.

I don't think I need to remind you guys that I really enjoy Leigh Bardugo's writing. I do need to finish the original Shadow and Bone trilogy, as I never actually finished book three (oops) but Demon in the Wood is on my radar this month!

'Before he led Ravka’s Second Army, before he created the Fold, and long before he became the Darkling, he was just a lonely boy burdened by an extraordinary power.'

Seoulmates by Susan Lee

What's this? Elfie's reading contemporary again? I know, I can't believe it either. Joking aside, this book has been on my radar for a while. 

This book sounds cute, humorous, and really fun. When I do read contemporaries, I like them to be either super light and fluffy, or really emotional. It sounds like this one will fall closer to the fluffy side of contemporaries, but I think it will also deal with some important topics, and it seems like a really unique and intriguing read!

'The last person Hannah wants to see is her former best friend, Jacob. Until blackmail and a bucket list, along with two meddling mamas, push them together for a summer worthy of a K-drama…'

Princess of Souls by Alexandra Christo

Okay, so I know I haven't actually read Alexandra Christo's first book, even though it has been on my physical TBR for the best part of five years now... But, she has a new YA fantasy out, and it's a Rapunzel retelling!

Princess of Souls is about a teenage witch who has been trained to steal souls for an immortal king. I've also heard that it has an angsty romance element, and I think this will be such a fun fantasy romance story. Who knows, maybe after I read this I'll actually get around to reading her debut!

Babel, or The Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution by R. F. Kuang

If you haven't heard of Babel yet, you might just be living under a rock. Or, you might have had your nose in a book and missed all the hype. Either way, Babel is at the top of so many readers' TBR lists this month, and it is definitely on mine!

'Babel — a thematic response to The Secret History and a tonal response to Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell — grapples with student revolutions, colonial resistance, and the use of translation as a tool of empire.'

Foul Lady Fortune by Chloe Gong

And last, but not least, we have Foul Lady Fortune by Chloe Gong. As seems to be the theme here, I haven't actually gotten to Chloe Gong's first book yet... BUT, I will soon... I hope.

Foul Lady Fortune is the beginning of a new duology following a pair of spies who pose as a married couple in order to investigate a series of murders in Shanghai in the 1930s.

I've heard some really incredible things about this book, and I had to include it on this anticipated releases list.

That's all for today, let me know in the comments which September releases made it on to your most anticipated releases list!