I get a lot of questions about ARCs, and how I get them. So, today I thought I would share with you some tips and tricks for requesting ARCs, and best practice when it comes to reviewing them.
So, what is an ARC?
An ARC, is an Advanced Readers Copy of an upcoming release. They’re sometimes referred to as Early Review Copies, galleys, or proofs. To put it simply, an ARC is a pre-publication copy of an upcoming book release, either in paperback or digital format.
Okay, but how do I get one?
There are tonnes of blog posts, videos and articles floating about, sharing “foolproof ways to get ARCs”, but the truth is, there is no one way to get an ARC of an upcoming book.
Here are my tips, when it comes to requesting ARCs
Only request ARCs of books which you honestly want to read.
It can be easy to go on a request frenzy, and request any book you think looks interesting, but try to only request books that you are actually planning on reading.
Review Etiquette
Not every publisher will request/expect a full review, but it is good practice to write one anyway. Reviews can be written in the form of a blog post, or shared via other social media channels such as Instagram, Twitter, YouTube or TikTok.
It is also good to get into the habit of posting reviews on Goodreads, and websites such as Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Waterstones etc.
When sending emails
When requesting an ARC, make sure to include your name, postal address and links to your social media channels. It can also be helpful to include links to previous reviews you have written/posted. You should also include your follower counts, and/or page clicks for your various social media accounts.
But who do I ask?
The first step in requesting an ARC is to find out which publishing house the title is under. You can do this by looking on websites such as Goodreads. Once you’ve found the publishing house and/or imprint, go to their website and study their publicity information. It should tell you about their publicity assistants (their names, email addresses, and the genres that they cover) and whether or not they provide ARCs.
If the publishing house does give out ARCs, go ahead and send an email, but as I said before, do not be demanding, and do not expect an ARC. Advanced copies of books are limited, so don’t be offended or disheartened if you’re not chosen to receive one.
Notes on requesting and receiving ARCs
- Not all publishing houses provide ARCs, and not all books get ARCs in the first place.
- In my experience, you are far more likely to be granted an eARC than a physical ARC (I will be sharing my tips and tricks for requesting eARCs soon)
- Signing up to newsletters can often lead to being offered eARCs, so if you’re a fan of a particular publisher or imprint, consider joining their mailing list, if they have one.
Top Do’s and Dont’s
- Don’t contact an author directly to request an ARC or free review copy. Unless the author is self-published, but even then it’s best not to contact the author themselves. It usually just comes across as rude and unprofessional.
- Do research before sending any emails! Make sure you are contacting the correct publicity agent, and ensure you have the book’s details correct!
- Don’t feel disheartened if you’re not approved for an ARC you’ve requested. ARCs are limited, and it’s very rarely personal.
- Do thank the publisher. If you are chosen to receive an ARC, make sure to thank the publisher, either on social media when reviewing the book, or by email.
Do you have any tips or advice that I’ve missed? Let me know in the comments!